The volcanic cauldron beneath Indonesia
According to volcano watcher John Seach, Indonesia has 76 erupting volcanoes.
What lies beneath the world's largest archipelago is a four-way intersection of tectonic plates: the Eurasia, Australian, Phillipine and Pacific.
Merapi and Tambora are among the best known Indonesian volcanoes, after Krakatoa, of course.
The conical volcanic island of Krakatoa blew itself out of the water in a massive eruption in 1883, leaving only small isles. The resulting tidal wave travelled seven times around the world. Ash darkened the sky and shortened the growing season, reducing crop yields the following year.
In the nineteen twenties, Anak Krakatau, the "son of Krakatoa," appeared above the water. It continues to grow at a visible rate.
Gamkanora erupted in May, 2011. In March of this year, Manado in the Sulawesi chain blew off steam just a few hours after the Japanese earthquake. When Tengger Caldera on East Java erupted in January, the ash cloud resulted in Australian flight cancellations.