Flyovers, Roundabouts and more

Photo: Austin-Healey at Ottawa show 2010, wikipedia

British road terms are fun. Roundabouts and flyovers. In Canada, we have only overpasses and traffic circles, terms that fail to evoke the thrilling feel of speed. Imagine being at the wheel of an Austen-Healey 3000 in a roundabout, hair flying, outer wheels off the ground. I'd hardly drive one round a flyover, lest it take to the air.

Zebra crossings? Vancouver has no "pajama-wearing donkeys." But Canada geese, our local livestock, do cross the Stanley Park Causeway.

In England, each town has a high street, a term I had often wondered about. On a recent visit, I learned that this is a reference to Roman roads, which were cambered in the middle to allow water to wash down the sides.

As for the humped crossing, in some circles, such talk would be considered crude.

Photo: Zebra crossing by jkroadmarkings

The Cat's Table, by Michael Ondaatje


Cornish Pasties internationalize