Capitalization in different styles

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In MLA (Modern Languages Association) style, it is not customary to capitalize the content words of a title. The rule says to capitalize only the most important words of a title.

In other words, do not capitalize function words, including articles, prepositions or conjunctions. Lane Community College Library gives a list of the words that are NOT capitalized.

There are some exceptions, of course. First, when a word opens a sentence, it is always capitalized, and second, when a subtitle follows a colon, the first word of that subtitle is capitalized.

For more details on what words to capitalize in MLA style, check the OWL lab at Purdue University, here.

When using APA, the American Psychological Association style, the rules for capitalization are slightly different. Check here for examples.

Distinguishing their writing from that of academics, journalists have their own variations; find more about AP (Associated Press) style here.


Capitalization: the basics


Words that refuse to travel alone