
Image from ausflowers

The hibbertia pedunculata is a low Australian shrub with attractive bright yellow flowers.

In flower essences, yellow is associated with the intellect and the Hibbertia is no exception. It can aid those who pursue knowledge not only to the point of fanaticism, but for the inappropriate purpose of feeling superior.

Information imbibed by the head alone, unrelated to personal experience, does not satisfy. The pursuit of knowledge needs to be balanced and integrated with personal experience and intuition. Otherwise, the would-be learner becomes dogmatic and inflexible.

Stiff in body and repressed in mind, such people can benefit from a softening of their attitudes as the heart is reconnected to the intellect. After all, we all have personal knowledge and experience that we need to own and use.

Hibbertia essence supports the Heart Chakra and is associated with the mental and physical planes.

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