Wild Potato Bush
Image from ausflowers
This crumpled purple blossom yields an essence that relieves feelings of heaviness, frustration and encumbrance. It restores belief in our ability to move on, to reclaim our freedom, vitality and enthusiasm. Related to the tomato, potato and tobacco plants, the solanum quadriloculatum is sometimes called a wild tomato. However, its fruit is poisonous.
Wild Potato Bush supports the Root Chakra and is associated with the mental and etheric planes.
This crumpled purple blossom yields an essence that relieves feelings of heaviness, frustration and encumbrance. It restores belief in our ability to move on, to reclaim our freedom, vitality and enthusiasm. Related to the tomato, potato and tobacco plants, the solanum quadriloculatum is sometimes called a wild tomato. However, its fruit is poisonous.
Wild Potato Bush supports the Root Chakra and is associated with the mental and etheric planes.