Wanton destruction at White Rock Beach?
Are the taxpayers of White Rock really footing the bill for this? Who could possibly benefit from such "beautification"?
Maybe the owners the expensive flats above think it improves their view? Meanwhile, it's destroying the beach walk on their doorsteps.
Until the clearcutting began, the section below the treed hillside and the sea on East Beach had been one one of my regular walks. In spite of the "proposed reconstruction," I for one feel heartsick at the wanton devastation.
The right half of this picture shows how lovely this section of the promenade used to be, with the ocean on one side, and the railroad tracks flanked by a bank of fragrant and oxygen-giving mature trees on the other.
Seems I'm not the only one to find it hard to understand why the mature, healthy trees slope to the tracks on East Beach are being hacked down by the City of White Rock.