Lover of words, walks and historic lore
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The Secrecy Trilogy
In this era where information sharing seems de rigeur, it’s easy to forget our recent history of familial and societal secret-keeping. Across the trilogy we step into the lives of a nurse from rural Alberta, a German-born WREN secret listener in WWII Egypt and the special POW facility at Trent Park, and a translator at the war-time decoding facility at Bletchley Park.
Simon’s is another life poisoned by family and political secrets. A British physician with roots in Troubles-era Belfast, he avoids facing his family’s past until his fifth decade. Like the three women, he must come to terms with unwanted personal and political secrets and overcome the traumatic emotional patterns passed down through generations.
What inspired the Secrecy Trilogy?
Indirectly and directly, the themes in Carol’s fiction reflect her early life and her moment in history as part of the baby boom generation.
She grew up in post-war rural Alberta and Northern BC. Her father had served in the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve on convoy duty in the North Atlantic. After he met her mother in Newfoundland, he brought his new wife to Alberta, where they settled on a DVA farm near Edmonton. Along with the rest of her generation, Carol bore the imprint of growing up in a home with a veteran father who drank more than was good for him and and a mother who coped as best she could.
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